Thursday, May 05, 2011

Baptism in the New Testament: Another Good One

I'd like to highlight another contribution from our Lutheran friends.  Judging by the high-church theology, I suspect our brothers are Missouri Synod Lutherans.  The Missouri Synod bishop in northern Indiana once told my much beloved Bishop D'Arcy of Fort Wayne-South Bend that his (the Missouri Synod) was the "real Catholic Church."  This incident occurred during an ecumenical prayer service.  I can't remember the exact circumstances, but it must have been unusual, because the MSL's often don't participate in ecumenical events. 

Be that as it may, the points made in this video pertain directly to biblical interpretation, and Catholics can directly appropriate the underlying apologetic.


Bob MacDonald said...

And here I didn't know you had a sense of humour - brilliant!

Matthew Kennel said...

"Dangit!!! I really need to stop writing these letters after four glasses of wine - I mean, grape juice."

BlueWhiteLion said...

lol, these are great!

Moonshadow said...

that's a bit silly but thank God for Lutherans - regardless of how they feel about us - who are fighting the good fight on this and many other points of orthodoxy.