Thursday, July 07, 2011

The World Ends Next Week

Well, not really, but we will be meeting at the end of the world (or at least the end of dry land), namely, southern Louisiana, and talking about the End Times next Saturday, July 16.  Brant and I will be there.  Michael had to decline (meetings with Vatican officials take up so much time!) but Dr. Chris Baglow and Prof. Corey Hayes round out the batting order for an extravaganza you don't want to miss!  Click here to register.  I'll be speaking about "The Whore of Babylon:  Is it Really the Catholic Church?"  I'll bet you can guess my answer, but my supporting arguments are worth hearing.  Brant's tackling "The Rapture, the Anti-Christ, and the End Time."


Paul Cat said...

I'll believe the end is here when I see it. I just hope it happens the second after the priest gives me absolution.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the cd/dvd recording of this!

John Bergsma said...

Should be a fun conference!