Sunday, June 09, 2013

Hallelujah Chorus in Haitian Creole

I didn't finish my commentary on this Sunday's readings because I'm still recovering/catching up from a week long trip to Haiti, where I spoke at the first Eucharistic Congress of the Diocese of Anse-a-Veau et Miragoane, and at various parishes and missions of the diocese.  It was an incredible experience.  There is much I could say, but for now I just want to post one of my favorite experiences: the Hallelujah Chorus sung by about a hundred teens of the diocese, just after communion (with about 2000 people) during the outdoor mass to close the Congress.  The teens are singing in Haitian Creole.  All parts were learned by ear, as written music is unavailable.

The teen choir isn't visible in the recording, unfortunately.  They are hidden behind the band and a wall.

If the link doesn't work for you, try this You Tube link.


Anonymous said...

Has anyone got the link to work? I get an error message that the address is invalid. Would love to hear it though.

John Bergsma said...

I'm sorry. The link works for me. I don't understand the technical aspect of these things.

John Bergsma said...

Here's the link on You Tube:

Anonymous said...

Thanks. The YouTube link worked. They sound good! Also interesting to hear the words in Haitian!