Monday, August 12, 2013

Apologies for Technical Difficulties

Last week I went on vacation with my wife and eight kids to Pennsylvania's "Dark Area," a remote region in north central PA noted for excellent star-gazing due to lack of light pollution.  Knowing that I would be without internet access for the week, I actually wrote the reflection on the Readings for Week 19 of Ordinary Time on Friday August 2 and set blogger to publish it last Tuesday morning (Aug. 6).  Unfortunately, something didn't work right, because when I returned to the online universe today (Mon. Aug. 12) I realized it had never posted.  I apologize to our faithful blog readers for the mishap. 


LUISA said...

Dear Dr. Bergsma, I certainly missed your reflections, they have become very important for me personally. They help me prepare for Sunday Mass. I hope you and your family had a wonderful vacation! Vacations are SO important for a big and busy family! Bless you

Anonymous said...

I missed your Sacred Page, too, but simply assumed you were on vacation. Looks like you were, and I am very happy you had a great time with wife and kids.

R Arturo Roa said...

Hope you had a great vacation with your family in the PA "dark zone"
we have a lot of bright Stars here in the rolling hills of southern Ohio (and pasofino horses!)
hope you all can visit some time!
Good to read your Gospel reflections
I appreciate it

Brant Pitre said...

It wouldn't be a problem if that Pitre guy ever posted anything. Why's his name even on this blog? What's he DO all day, anyway?

John Bergsma said...

He's working on a book project, so I hear. :)