Saturday, January 14, 2012

TSP 15: "Why Jesus was Baptized and Tempted?" with John Bergsma

In this episode of The Sacred Page Podcast John Bergsma joins me to discuss why Jesus was baptized and tempted in the wilderness? Here we talk about Creation imagery, Exodus motifs, and Davidic typology in the Gospel accounts--and  how they are all tied together!

You can download the show from iTunes here. Don't forget to subscribe to the show and to rate it over at iTunes (if you like it!).

Get more of John Bergsma's CDs at

Also, don't forget to call Saint Joseph's Communications to get this week's free give-away, the first part of the audio book of Archbishop Fulton Sheen's now classic Life of Christ: 800:526-2151 or email johnny[at]saintjoe[dot]com.

TSP 15: "Why Was Jesus Baptized and Tempted?" with John Bergsma


Nick said...

Do you guys use this podcast in your classes?

Michael Barber said...

I've been known to use podcasts as assignments for classes, but not TSP podcasts. Obviously, our course lectures already sound a lot like our podcasts!

Bruce Killian said...

Baptism/washing was necessary for priestly ordination: An additional reason for the baptism of Jesus, is that it was required for the ordination of a priest to be washed at the entrance to the tent of meeting by a priest (Exodus 29:4). Moses did the washing of Aaron and his sons (Leviticus 8:5-6). Moses was a priest and prophet, John the Baptist was a priest and prophet. John washed Jesus and two years later Mary of Bethany finished the washing cleansing Jesus feet at the entrance to the Temple that had been extended at Passover to handle the crowds that needed to assemble in that area. Ordination was necessary to offer sacrifice and Jesus offered the sacrifice of Himself.
Grace and peace,

phatcatholic said...

I pressed play and nothing happened.